Featured Artists & Artisans at Ouaga Doré

Renowned Burkinabe musician & griot of traditional music and storytellers. Fusing old musical traditions with new expressions. Feature Artist with Ouaga Doré.

Craftsman creating objet d’art in gold and precious metals. Based in Village Artisanal in Ouagadougou.

Craftsman creating objet d’art in gold and precious metals. Based in Village Artisanal in Ouagadougou.

Will create gold jewelry that will feature in Women in Empire collection to be launched in Lagos in November. Based in Village Artisanal Ouagadougou

Bronze artisan, who will create large metal sculptures with gold. Based at Vitrine du Bronze market.

Expert leather, wood and metals craftsman. Creating luxury items and packaging juxtaposing leather, wood, gold and other metals.

A Nigerian painter and multimedia artist. Created the paintings in oil for Worth the weight: Gold The Language of West African Culture.