Gold Durbar
1 - 22 August 2020
Shop at the first-ever duty-free gold market in the ancient city of Kano, Nigeria. The Gold Durbar Festival serves as the backdrop for a gold renaissance in an initiative to boost Nigeria’s gold economy. Visitors to the market can access gold bars, medallions, savings products and jewelry.

Dakar Éclat
15 December - 2 January
A gold renaissance celebration comes to Dakar. An exhibition of art & original gold objets d'art and functional art that fuses Senegal's promising gold mining future with paying homage to the pivotal role gold jewelry plays in Senegalese fashion and culture. A gold celebration to highlight Senegal as a luxury goods manufacturer and exporter while maintaining the integrity of a rich tradition and design heritage.

Lagos Love Gold
12 February - 5 March 2021
The month of love is laced with gold when Lagos Love Gold art fair and gold market brings its shine to Lagos. The culmination of the gold initiatives happens here, with the original artwork auction in real time. Revel in a jewelry market and fair that celebrates local gold jewelry design and craftsmanship. Love gold? Come to Lagos Love Gold!

Gold Durbar
1 - 22 August 2020
Shop at the first-ever duty-free gold market in the ancient city of Kano, Nigeria. The Gold Durbar Festival serves as the backdrop for a gold renaissance in an initiative to boost Nigeria’s gold economy. Visitors to the market can access gold bars, medallions, savings products and jewelry.

Dakar Éclat
15 December - 2 January
A gold renaissance celebration comes to Dakar. An exhibition of art & original gold objets d'art and functional art that fuses Senegal's promising gold mining future with paying homage to the pivotal role gold jewelry plays in Senegalese fashion and culture. A gold celebration to highlight Senegal as a luxury goods manufacturer and exporter while maintaining the integrity of a rich tradition and design heritage.

Lagos Love Gold
12 February - 5 March 2021
The month of love is laced with gold when Lagos Love Gold art fair and gold market brings its shine to Lagos. The culmination of the gold initiatives happens here, with the original artwork auction in real time. Revel in a jewelry market and fair that celebrates local gold jewelry design and craftsmanship. Love gold? Come to Lagos Love Gold!

Pourquoi Gold West Africa?
En 2011, l'Afrique de l'Ouest est devenue la plaque tournante de l'exploitation aurifère africaine lorsque la production totale d'or de l'Afrique de l'Ouest a dépassé la production d'or de l'Afrique du Sud. Alors que la production mondiale des mines d'or a diminué, la production d'or occidental a augmenté. (Wood Mackenzie, 2011).
Des 15 pays de la CEDEAO, le Cap-Vert, le Bénin et le Togo sont les seuls à ne pas posséder de réserves d'or significatives. Cependant, le Bénin et le Togo sont des pays remarquables pour le marché de l'or. Tous les autres pays de la région de la CEDEAO ont soit des réserves d'or importantes et documentées, soit des sociétés d'extraction d'or cotées en bourse, soit une empreinte importante de l'extraction artisanale de l'or. Si vous vous intéressez à l'or, Gold West Africa est l'endroit où vous voulez être.